The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Yaba, Lagos, has educated its enrolees on rights, registration protocols and package benefits of the insurance.
Dr Elizabeth Onoge of the Department of Standard and Quality Assurance, while speaking at an interactive forum titled, ‘The role of an enrolee in the drive towards universal health coverage,’ explained that the NHIA aimed at ensuring that every Nigerian had access to good healthcare services, saying the NHIA developed various programmes to cover different segments of the society.
Onoge listed the following as benefits of the package: “Out-patient care & consumables, pharmaceutical care/prescribed drugs/diagnostic tests, maternity care (antenatal, delivery, post-natal) for four pregnancies ending in live births under the NHIA, stillbirths care.
“Preventive care – immunisation (NPI schedule), Health and family planning education, Specialist consultation – secondary and tertiary care, Hospital care – standard ward for 21 cumulative days/year, Eye care/examination plus the provision of low-priced spectacles. ICU Care – adult and paediatric
“Minor, intermediate, and major surgeries. Orthopaedics, General Surgery, ENT/Maxilofacial surgery, Paediatrics and Paediatric surgery, Dental surgery, neurosurgery, physiotherapy,” she said.
Also speaking, Oluwatoyin Ige of Programmes Department, NHIA, Yaba, who spoke on Enrollee rights and registration protocol,’ said enrollees should know their rights and demand to be treated right in their respective healthcare facilities
“Enrollees should be able to go through registration/enrollment processes seamlessly. Participants will be able to successfully sensitise officers in their respective organisations. Right to freely choose his/her NHIA-accredited primary healthcare facility. Change primary healthcare facility after six months of access if not satisfied with the services provided.
“Right to change primary healthcare facility once it has closed down, relocated or being delisted by the Authority. Right to change your primary healthcare provider once you have been transferred to another location. Right to choose an alternative primary healthcare facility for dependants if they are living in a different location,” she said.
Head of the Formal Sector Department, NHIA Yaba, Mrs Immaculate Agunobi said to achieve Universal Healthcare Coverage in Nigeria, the provision of affordable and quality care was very essential.